Congrave  Press


Publications for Sale Here

Frances Finnegan's research centred largely on poverty and prejudice in the Victorian period. Her books include:

Book Cover

Introspections  the Poetry & Private World of Dorothea Herbert. (Congrave Press 2011).
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Do Penance or Perish, Magdalen Asylums in Ireland. (Congrave Press 2001; and Oxford University Press, 2004).
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Postage rates will vary but the books are €20 each.

To order a book please contact Sarah Finnegan at

Other Publications

Poverty and Prejudice

Poverty and Prejudice: Irish Immigrants in York 1840-1875 (Cork University Press, 1982).
(Not available to order)

Poverty and Prostitution

Poverty and Prostitution, Victorian Prostitutes in York (Cambridge University Press, 1979)
re-issued by Cambridge University Press, 2006.
(Not available to order)

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Poverty and Social Policy, an Historical Study of Batley, written jointly with E. M. Sigsworth (York University Press, 1976).
(Not available to order)